/ September 25, 1938 - Sunday evening Things are about to come to ahead, as J.'s boss has now firmly set the deadline for Monday, October 3rd. He has to be enroute to Seattle. How is he to explain that he hasn't been able to tell her? On her end, but unbeknownst to her, she will receive the …

Deanne /
Status Quo
/ September 24, 1938 - Saturday afternoon Transmission of entry delayed in transit. —————————— [Sidenote: All diary entries posted directly to the QR code as text may or may not reappear here ] …

Deanne /
Confidence Day
September 23, 1938 - 3pm and onwards Friday, September 23, 1938 Official Weather Forecast: Fair and Warm She heads downtown to the Vancouver Women’s Building to pick up the bill, and hopefully to meet some interesting women. She will also pop into Woodwards for groceries. So it is that, …

Deanne /
Bill 89 – Vancouver Women’s Building
September 22, 1938 Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, usually her favourite time of the year. Today she is quite despondent. J. is also down in the dumps worrying about his friends and colleagues back East, and she is having to give up the ghost on the job. The item about Bill 89 catches her …

Deanne /
A Storm Brewing
September 21, 1938 For now they are blissfully unaware, but will hear of it later on the radio news. There is a major storm — a category 5 hurricane on its way to New England. It will be devastating. J. has friends who relocated there last year. He will be anxious for a few weeks until he hears …