September 22, 1938
Tomorrow is the first day of Fall, usually her favourite time of the year.
Today she is quite despondent. J. is also down in the dumps worrying about his friends and colleagues back East, and she is having to give up the ghost on the job. The item about Bill 89 catches her attention. She should go down to the Vancouver Women’s Building and get a copy of the bill. She doesn’t know much about it, but perhaps she will meet new friends. And there is the possibility of an award.
[Sidenote: Bill 89 – In December, 1937, the Provincial Legislature of British Columbia passed the ‘Commodities Retail Sales Act’, making it a statutory offense to sell for less than the price fixed by the wholesaler or producer. The Vancouver Women’s Building at 752 Thurlow Street, was in operation from 1911 – the mid 1940s]
[…] flips through the Vancouver Women’s Building Diary she picked up when she went to find out more about Bill 89. The cat sits in her lap and […]