July 13, 1938 A. pops by to visit and shows her some more of her photographs. They are of the new bridge - the Lion's Gate. It is supposed to be ready in the early Fall. As she doesn't drive, she imagines slowly meandering across the bridge, taking in the view, waving at the big …
A Marriage on Monday
July 11, 1938 Monday. They walk by a wedding. An oil salesman (he is a bachelor) is marrying a spinster from England. She is 31. He is 29. They were not invited, of course, they are not in those social circles. …
Afternoon At the Races
July 9, 1938 Saturday. T1 and T2 invite them to the races. There is something magnificent about these animals, she thinks, wishing she owned a camera. T2 did not bring hers. [Note: Only she and J. refer to Ted and Tuppie as T1 and T2, which they generously allow. She can't quite say Tuppie …
The Bridge
July 5, 1938 [Side Note: Original cable image from City of Vancouver archives CVA 265-72 - Section of suspension cable. July 5, 1938 David Loughnan, Photographer. Both images altered.] …
Bloody Sunday
June 19, 1938 Sunday. It should be a day of rest. But her neighbour F. knocked on the door and told her about the awful things that have happened. She is going to go downtown with them to protest. Where is J? She thinks he might already be there — and she's not sure who's side he is …