June 4, 1938
J.’s brother T. and his wife E. are visiting from Toronto. He brought up a bunch of magazines with him.
He keeps on going on about the price.
“It’s 15 cents in Canada! 5 cents more than the cover price.”
‘He should be grateful he has the money to spend on these things’, is what E says, meanwhile complaining about all the money he wastes in general.
They thought it was the Depression the first time it happened. The guy had checked in one night in the black March of ’33, in the middle of a memorable bank holiday. He was well-dressed and respectable looking….
He signed the register James Hopper, Schenectady, and Dennison, eyeing the red vacancy-tags in the piegonholes, pulled out the one in 913 at random and gave him that.”
I hope to read the rest tomorrow, when they visit their cousin in Victoria.
Only 4 more sleeps till Thursday. I can’t wait.
[Side Note: Original cover art by Emmett St. Clair Watson, (1893-1955) – altered]
[…] is still reading the short story. It’s delicious. It’s also scary, she is loving it. But her eyelids keep on closing […]