June 19, 1938 Sunday. It should be a day of rest. But her neighbour F. knocked on the door and told her about the awful things that have happened. She is going to go downtown with them to protest. Where is J? She thinks he might already be there — and she's not sure who's side he is …
Deanne /
A Studio
June 18, 1938 On Saturdays she reads The Globe and Mail. It's last week's edition, but it doesn't matter. She sees an ad under "Business Opportunities" - for a photography studio. In Ontario. So far away. She is tempted to ask her aunt for a loan and just go. She imagines setting …
Deanne /
A Mechanical Heart
June 17, 1938 A Mechanical Heart Learns to Breathe. She is struck by the notion, and starts to doodle, imagining what it might look like. It will be several years before she sees a photograph. …
Deanne /
A Tisket A Tasket
June 16, 1938 The radio is playing her favourite song. She feels carefree and a bit reckless. She has another photo lesson scheduled with A. for next week sometime. A. is busy, so she has to wait to finalize a time. She went down the department store and looked at cameras. She …
Deanne /
The Panama Canal Record
June 15, 1938 The Panama Canal Record from June 15, 1938 6 Ships listed as departed from Vancouver, BC. Cargo consists of lumber, wheat and general.... …