June 3, 1938 It's Friday. Grocery shopping day. On her way there, she passes a bunch of people on the street looking through a fence. "...There were kids perched way high up in the tree! I was quite worried they might fall". J. "What was on the other side?" Her: "I didn't look." J. "I …
La Dolce Vita
June 2, 1938 J. told her he dreamt they went fishing last night. It's odd because she was woken up several times by his shouts. She wondered if he had a fever, he was sweating. It's what's happening downtown. She wants to be sympathetic. She is sympathetic. But she can only dream of …
Overheard at Dinner
May 25, 1938"Honey - listen to this ..Council of Women is Asked to Make Exhaustive Study of the Consumer’s Interest Local councils of the National Council of Women today were urged to make the consumer and the consumer’s interest” a topic of study during this coming year." Silence. She …