August 5, 1938
This is one of their favourite spots, even if a little eerie. They do not speak.
[Sidenote A: “THERE is a well-known trail in Stanley Park that leads to what I always love to call the “Cathedral Trees”–that group of some half-dozen forest giants that arch overhead with such superb loftiness. But in all the world there is no cathedral whose marble or onyx columns can vie with those straight, clean, brown tree-boles that teem with the sap and blood of life. There is no fresco that can rival the delicacy of lace work they have festooned between you and the far skies. ”
The Lure in Stanley Park, Pauline Johnson ]
[Sidenote B: Original Image (Altered) CVA 300-4
Photographer Karl Haspel.Karl,1888-1971. An amateur photographer who worked as an electrical engineer for the British Columbia Telephone Company. ]