June 29, 1938
She is trying out the new Chocolate Peppermint Cake recipe she copied down from the McCall’s magazine in the library. She got the idea to make a cake tonight after looking through the jobs section and saw an ad for a cake baker! She could do that. The only problem was it said “Help Wanted – Male”. The nerve.
She beats the butter a little harder.
She thinks to herself she will apply for the job anyhow.
Then she pauses. Yesterday — it was a travel agent, today a cake baker. Her mother always said she was too unfocused. But her mother never tried to get a job. Even if they say jobs are improving, it’s not an easy task.
What she’d really like to do is photograph the cake. She has $3 saved from the grocery fund she has been squirrelling away. It’s still a long road yet before buying that camera…