/ August 31, 1938
August 31st, 1938
She las lunch at A.’s place.
A. says that R. liked her. She is thrilled! He is away, coincidentally in Seattle, and when he returns only needs to confirm some details with (mainly silent) business partner.
She will have a job!
The news is thrilling, although she can’t celebrate yet. Who is this business partner and how much say do they have?
An apprentice in a photography studio. She tries on this title in her mind. A. meanwhile shows her some more images of the fire.
She is entranced.
And then she remembers she hasn’t told J. anything about this job interview. Sigh.
[Sidenote: Original Image (Altered by myself) COV Archives – CVA 376-2 – Crowd viewing Pier D fire, foot of Granville Street
Photographer Audrey Gordon – here imagined as Mrs. X’s friend and mentor). ]