July 25, 1938
She reads Alicia Hart’s column.
“Poise, Meaning Good Voice and Calm Manner, Important to Job-Hunters” is the headline.
She looks in the mirror and starts practicing her posture, breathing and how loudly she is speaking. She takes “three good deep breaths, exhales as vigorously as she inhales” and imagines entering the executive’s office.
She is practicing this over and over and doesn’t hear J. come in. He is home early.
She blushes and starts to mumble something about practicing the jingle she and her aunt are working on for the contest — then half-way through her explanation, she realizes she hasn’t told J. about the jingle contest. She stops speaking.
Luckily for her, he bursts out laughing and doesn’t question her.
She joins him in the glee of the moment.